NavAlumni from Cebu initiated a discussion on finances of the PhilNavs and ended up with the survey on the perception not only on finances but on the PhilNavs itself and its staffs.

This is a good indication that our alumni are now wanting to partner with us in the ministry. This may not be a representative of the whole alumni but definitely this is worth considering.

I posted here their responses as is, and its up to you how you would interpret them. The discussion is still on going and I will be posting important developments. I personally sense that our alumni is now ready to play a bigger role in the ministry that God has entrusted to us.

For the staff and the leadership there are definitely lessons we can pick-up from our alumni...

You can make comment using the Voice Out Box.


I. Profile of the Respondents in relation to Navs.
A. Nav Involvement
1. How long have you been involved with the Navs
a. Less than one year
b. 1-3 years
c. 3-5 years 3 10.7%
d. 5-10 years 6 21.4%
e. More than 10 years 19 67.9%
Votes so far:  28 100.0%
2 At what stage of your life were you contacted by the Navs
a. As a student 22 88.0%
b. As working single professional 2 8.0%
c. As married 1 4.0%
d. As retired 0.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
3 Who introduced you to the Navs
a. Classmate 9 34.6%
b. Friend (boy friend/girl friend included) 3 11.5%
c. Nav Staff (other Nav leaders included) 6 23.1%
d. Relative (husband/wife included) 7 26.9%
e. No one, I just saw them and join 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%
4. What Nav activities were you involved in (multiple answers allowed)
a. Ministry Leadership 10 38.5%
b. Leading Bible study 20 76.9%
c. Witnessing 20 76.9%
d. Fellowships 23 88.5%
e. Conferences and training programs 21 80.8%
f. Community meetings 9 34.6%
g. Fund raising 11 42.3%
h Doing any of the spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, Scripture Memory, quiet time, Prayers and DIPs etc) 22 84.6%
i I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Summary Please

Dear to all,
I notice, that the number of respondents is quite low , I wonder if the number represent the whole, because the web is a powerful tool to connect people... the survey has a lot of stuff,
maybe to some is not appealing..just a though,
The coordinator should summarize the result including conclusion, and recommendation. that it will be very easy to respond from readers who would like to give their opinion.
Soli Dei Gloria,
K. Omar

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