NavAlumni from Cebu initiated a discussion on finances of the PhilNavs and ended up with the survey on the perception not only on finances but on the PhilNavs itself and its staffs.

This is a good indication that our alumni are now wanting to partner with us in the ministry. This may not be a representative of the whole alumni but definitely this is worth considering.

I posted here their responses as is, and its up to you how you would interpret them. The discussion is still on going and I will be posting important developments. I personally sense that our alumni is now ready to play a bigger role in the ministry that God has entrusted to us.

For the staff and the leadership there are definitely lessons we can pick-up from our alumni...

You can make comment using the Voice Out Box.


I. Profile of the Respondents in relation to Navs.
A. Nav Involvement
1. How long have you been involved with the Navs
a. Less than one year
b. 1-3 years
c. 3-5 years 3 10.7%
d. 5-10 years 6 21.4%
e. More than 10 years 19 67.9%
Votes so far:  28 100.0%
2 At what stage of your life were you contacted by the Navs
a. As a student 22 88.0%
b. As working single professional 2 8.0%
c. As married 1 4.0%
d. As retired 0.0%
Votes so far 25 100.0%
3 Who introduced you to the Navs
a. Classmate 9 34.6%
b. Friend (boy friend/girl friend included) 3 11.5%
c. Nav Staff (other Nav leaders included) 6 23.1%
d. Relative (husband/wife included) 7 26.9%
e. No one, I just saw them and join 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%
4. What Nav activities were you involved in (multiple answers allowed)
a. Ministry Leadership 10 38.5%
b. Leading Bible study 20 76.9%
c. Witnessing 20 76.9%
d. Fellowships 23 88.5%
e. Conferences and training programs 21 80.8%
f. Community meetings 9 34.6%
g. Fund raising 11 42.3%
h Doing any of the spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, Scripture Memory, quiet time, Prayers and DIPs etc) 22 84.6%
i I need to explain (Please write your explanation on the voice out box.) 1 3.8%
Votes so far 26 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Recommendation from one of the alumni

I felt everything is hanging by the gasp of wind, and oxy and others, haven't responded positively. It is but imperative for us to do a bit move in here, so as not to burst and gone the findings in vain,.. Lest, it shall vanish in thin air, as how oxy puts it.
Please find herein, a painstaking motive of recommendation/suggestion in order to put my simple analysis into motion:
1. Establishment of a Newsletter for worldwide circulation to be based in CebuNavs entered as first class mail duly maintained by the CebuNavs at head Office in Cebu City.
1.a- Identify people as a core, to put up an initial Fund for its establishment, the likes of ruby, joy morris, jekjek, lani, jun palad, rey noynay, mabel, and other members of the e-group maybe are willing to help with this endeavour.
1.b- Identify people from the base in Cebu to compose as the interim editorial board and panel of officials in managing the paper. Consider both professionals and students alike, to qualify for such matter. Expertise, such as paper printing, paper lay outing, news gathering, feature writing, picture embedding, circulation, marketing and other relevant works can easily be learned as I believe in the cebuano way of learning.You can be the right person to pen point who's who from the cebunavs at this very juncture, by personal contact with them through the internet. I may join you in this regard, to act us the initiatory board of consultants, ( galot kaayo hehe), the both of us, and others as well, just to expedite everything and put this plan into concrete status.
1.c- Let the interim officers in 1.b above, quantify the capital and frame up a simple statement of cash flow, as an initial support to the necessary funds.
1.d- Let the core in 1.a above, know as to the entire amount in money necessary for the proposed outlay. You can write or inform them through this internet communication.
2. Establishment of a data base for the location and whereabouts of the alumni. This newsletter will be sent to them free of charge and it is the most appropriate way in linking them the support needed.
3. The proposed circulation of a Newsletter has in itself a twofold purpose:
3.a- To be able to generate sustainable funds for the programs and projects identifiable by the leadership of the cebunavs. Funds maybe coming in through sponsorship by various G.Os and N.G.Os or any private entity who would want to advertise in the proposed Newsletter.
3.b- and as a source of information for the alumni, and by virtue of which, they would be encouraged to give support in return.
4. The proposed Newsletter is to be circulated on a monthly term, so as to afford greater leeway for its preparation, lay outing, marketing and mailing.
5. The effort of the initiatory board or panel of officials should be properly compensated so as to motivate them in making and maintaining the proposed circulation. Their salaries or commissions maybe included in the initial outlay. They will also be earning flat base as their salaries or commission from the ensuing sponsorship from advertisers, as the Newsletter is in progress.
Let there be exchanges of ideas on this regard, and may this recommendation/suggestion be fairly considered by you and the leadership of PhilNavs. It still has its long way going, nevertheless , dreaming is the very step in its making.
Again , let's do something ,.. Lest, everything shall vanish in thin air.. as oxy puts it.. hehe( wala pa gihapon baw-i kon kinsa ni sya?)

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